Association des Labrecque
Become a member
As a member of the Association:
- You join the many Labrecques in Canada and the United States.
- You receive the "Bulletin des Labrecque" issued 2 times a year.
- You receive a membership card.
- You are able to receive and exchange genealogical information with other members.
- You have access to the genealogical committee of the Association.
- You receive invitations to social, cultural and administrative meetings.
- You have a vote at the annual meeting, or any special meetings of the Association.
- You can be elected to the Board of Directors.
The Association's membership:
- is open to all, regarless of surname.
- is a place where friendly people meet.
- The membership fee is $ 30.00
To join the Association, complete the form
And return it with payment of your membership fee to the address.